About Us

Board of Directors

The Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators (CAGDI) announces that on Wednesday, January 29th 2025, invited all its members to a general meeting where elections took place in order to form the Association’s new Board of Directors for a three years’ period (2025-2028).


The new CAGDI board is:

President: Andreas Pitsillides

Vice-president: Periklis Georgiou

Secretary: Anastasia Melandinou

Assistant Secretary: Natali Touloupou

Treasurer: Adonis Papadopoulos

Assistant Treasurer: Lambros Ioannou

Members: Stelios Papageorgiou, Victoria Leonidou, Marios Andreou



The Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators (CAGDI) announces that on Wednesday, January 26th 2022, invited all its members to a general meeting where elections took place in order to form the Association’s new Board of Directors for a three years’ period (2022-2025).


The new CAGDI board is:

President: Ermina Emmanouel

Vice-president: Despina Kannaourou

Secretary: Stelios Lampaditis

Assistant Secretary: Andreas Pitsillides

Treasurer: Adonis Papadopoulos

Assistant Treasurer: Anna Miltiadou

Members: Christina Pandjarou, Denis Constantinou, Artemis Angeli



The Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators (CAGDI) announces that on Tuesday, January 22nd 2019, invited all its members to a general meeting where elections took place in order to form the Association’s new Board of Directors for a three years’ period (2019-2021).


The new CAGDI board is:

President: Christina Olympiou

Vice-president: Omiros Panayides

Secretary: Artemis Psathas

Assistant Secretary: Christina Pandjarou

Treasurer: Gloria Londou

Assistant Treasurer: Theseas Mouzouropoulos

Members: Ermina Emmanouel, Lara Alphas, Myria Konnari



The Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators (CAGDI) announces that on Thursday, January 21st 2016, the twenty founding members met and elected the Association’s first Board of Directors for a two years’ period (2016-2018).


The CAGDI Board:

President: Myria Konnari

Vice-president: Omiros Panayides

Secretary: Angelos Panagides

Assistant Secretary: Artemis Psathas

Treasurer: Nicolas Ioannou

Assistant Treasurer: Christina Olympiou

Members: Philippos Vassiliades, Savvas Xinaris, Marios Constantinides