

Animafest Cyprus and Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators with the help of BirdLife Cyprus, are joining forces once again this year to announce an OPEN CALL for 5 pairs of designers (graphic designers and/or illustrators) and animators to participate in a collaborative project which offers a unique opportunity to showcase their work in a dynamic, interactive setting and to contribute to a creative celebration of the natural beauty of Cyprus. This year, our open call will focus on the theme of the birds of the Salamiou region.

We are looking for talented designers to pair up in teams consisting of one designer (graphic designer and/or illustrator) and one animator. Each team will be tasked with creating a flipbook that brings to life one of five distinct bird species from the region of Salamiou. BirdLife Cyprus will provide detailed information and pictures to the artists of the five birds.


Project Theme: Birds of Salamiou

Eligible Participants: designers (CAGDI members only) and animators

Project Output: Flipbooks featuring 1 bird species per team

Exhibition Location: Salamiou Village, Paphos District

Festival Dates: August 9-12



Fill in the form:

EXTENDED Submission Deadline: 05/07/24

EXTENDED Selection Announcement: 09/07/24


All selected participants  (5 animators & 5 designers) will get a free ticket to the festival, as well as free space to set up at the camping site.

We look forward to your creative proposals and to welcoming you to the Animafest Cyprus 2024!

For any questions or further information, please contact us at
