To whom the CAGDI addresses

The main objective of the Association is to support in various ways professionals of visual communication. The Association offers its assistance regarding labor issues and provides solutions to problems of our field and supports all designers and illustrators practically, regarding legal, technical, accounting and charging matters. At the same time, the CAGDI aims to contribute in strengthening and expanding the creativity of its members through a series of events, such as presentations, discussions, conferences, seminars and workshops.
The CAGDI offers its advice to individual clients or companies in search of collaboration in the visual communication area. The Association is able to offer any advice needed regarding the right services, enlightening future clients about their expectations from the graphic designers’ and illustrators’ field and market. The Association is also willing to mediate if ethical issues arise or even in cases of unsatisfactory implementation of a project.
The deficiencies of visual identity, communication and tenders’ procedures related generally to the public sector are widely known. The Association aims to initiate a productive dialogue providing functional solutions to existing problems. In collaboration with the competent bodies, the Association’s main goal is to ensure legality for any project of visual communication that will be announced, planned and executed.